Tartoos General Contracting & Cleaning Service CO.W.L.L in Qatar


Dana Ahmad
Dear Sir or Madam:

I want you to know that you have exceptional employee in your team, Juvina and Ericca.

I asked for cleaning service and Juvina and Erica today did a great and excellent job.

They knew how to do and clean everything without me having to tell them, and the time they spent and the quality of service they did was more than perfect for me.

I am very pleased with the quality of service your company provides. I really appreciate the responsiveness and the way your staff behave.

For this reason I always recommend your company to my family, friends, and others.

7 Days Ago
Oraib Alrabadi

“I want to thank your office and the lady who came to my house
This is the first time I didn’t have to tell the cleaner what to do she is hard working I recommended your office to all my friends
I rate your service 5”

Cehna Ghannam

Ariene did perfect today. She’s is a good cleaner!!If you don’t mind.I gave her some clothes and sweet to eat at home..



Lauren is an excellent worker.She is extremely efficient and hard working.she is great asset to Tartoos General Contracting & Cleaning Service.Lauren is a pleasure to have in my name.

